Why Smoke, Heat, and CO Detectors Are Important
By: Advanced Tech, Fredericton, NB
The most devastating thing that can happen to you would be that you are sleeping and somewhere in the house a fire starts. Did you know that when you sleep your sense of smell is disabled? And only your ears are working for a bit. A smoke or heat detector will do that job for you, it will detect the smoke and sound your alarm system as well as beeping itself.
Here in New Brunswick it’s the law to have a smoke detector in the hall outside of your bedroom and in all newly built houses, a carbon monoxide detector on every floor is often mandatory.
CO (Carbon Monoxide) is the most dangerous; it has no odor and no color. When you have a stove and the ventilation is not working right, CO will fill your room from the floor to ceiling and you will unknowingly be breathing in the lethal fumes.
The first signs are that you become sleepy. The more you breathe in, the more oxygen in your blood is saturated with CO until you finally stop breathing. This tragedy can be prevented with carbon monoxide detectors to warn you of the presence of CO long before it becomes a danger to you or your family.
Don’t let this happen to you. Walk through your house to see how many detectors you may need, and don’t forget the garage. Your car gets very hot and burns fuel too; at least one heat-detector would be advised there.
What about the kitchen? A heat detector is what you need here as well. No smoke detector here, everyone burns bacon or toast once in a while right? Heat detectors sense the steep rise in temperature caused by flames.
Are you not sure if your old detectors still work? Test your smoke detector batteries at least once a month. You can also give us a call to test them.
Finally, most people aren’t aware that smoke detectors should be replaced every ten years. How old are yours?
Keep yourself, your family, and your pets safe. Give us a call today to get all of your detection needs taken care of.